Move, Feel and Look Better

Bristol and Bath

Move better

Feel better

Look better



Overview of what we do

Here at Evolve Health and Wellbeing we provide a bespoke health and wellbeing programmes to suit your needs in our private studio in Warmley. Our promise is that you will move better, feel better and look better at the end of your programme.


Have a look at all our services

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Jenny helped me to see how strong I was and my physical and psychological potential. She was my biggest cheerleader and helped me to believe in myself. I had the utter privilege to work with Jen for nearly 4 years now and she has become a true friend
to our family.

Jenny is the ultimate professional who truly cares about the people she works with. I am very grateful for all that she has done and recommend her highly.
— Kate
Jenny has been my personal trainer since 2013. During this time, she has coached me back to fitness after 2 bouts of serious illness.

Jenny is unfailingly positive and great fun to work with. Her encouragement and PT skills have enabled me to reach my goals and exceed my expectations. I can thoroughly recommend Jenny as a coach..
— Vivien - CEO
Jenny has literally changed my life. I spent many years running away from any form of exercise because I believed it would hurt, I would be ridiculed or worse. Then I met Jenny! Jenny is an expert, she is kind, she is encouraging and her training really gets results.

For the first time ever, here is someone I want to do well for, someone I respect. I have been ‘going for it’ and have gained strength, flexibility, stamina, and added balance. Who would ever have believed this of ME? Thank you, Jenny, in this case, you have achieved miracles and I am very grateful. I’m even enjoying our sessions....but don’t tell anybody I said so!!!!.
— Brenda
Jenny has been superb in helping me recover self-confidence in sensible exercising that suits my needs.

Despite years of exercising that was focused on hard physical exercise, which has been replaced by a sports injury and years of inactivity, Jenny has been great in identifying what I will most benefit from and making me do it!!
— Malcolm



All our trainers are highly experienced individuals and will deliver each session in a professional, confidential, fun and motivating manner to ensure you get the most out of your session.

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About Me

MY NAME IS jenny

I am the master trainer here at Evolve. I’ve been in the industry for over 10 years and have had the privilege to work with some amazing people.

Every day is a learning day and I make sure I keep up to date with the changes in the health and fitness industry.

I specialise in rehabilitation especially managing back pain. I enable people to become healthier, improve their wellbeing and make changes in all areas of their lives to lead healthier, happier lives. Sometimes it just takes a few new habits.

With my friendly, empathetic and caring nature I will motivate you and encourage you to become a healthier version of yourself.